
Next generation precast concrete wall and column connections for multi-storey buildings

1 Oct 2024 - 31 Mar 2027
Swinburne University of Technology
$1,071,291 (Cash + In kind)
Engineered Solutions

Challenge and proposed solution

Precast concrete elements are increasingly being used in multi-storey buildings because they improve efficiencies during construction.

Despite this, lateral load resisting systems such as walls and columns are still often connected using welded stitch plates, wet joints and corrugated light gauge steel grout tubes. Given these lateral load resisting systems account for a significant amount of a building’s total cost, there is a huge opportunity for efficiencies and cost savings in precast concrete connections.

Plastic Solutions Australia have partnered with Swinburne University researchers to develop innovative precast concrete wall and column connections. These will make it faster to manufacture precast elements and install them on site. The new connections will reduce risks associated with traditional joints such as cracking and delamination, and produce better quality finishes. Fewer workers will be needed to install the new connections on site, while less manual handling and bracing will improve their safety. The proposed column connection will reduce the amount of time a crane is needed for a typical installation, helping to cut another major cost.

Researchers will also develop new innovative grout tubes which replace steel with recycled plastic. These will be more efficient to manufacture, last longer than the steel version, and lower the building’s embodied carbon.

For these next generation connections, this project will deliver design guides and recommendations to Australian standards, promoting broad industry adoption.


  • Swinburne University of Technology
  • Plastic Solutions Australia Pty Ltd