About SmartCrete CRC

Who we are

We are a catalyst for change.

  • Smartcrete is an independent, for-impact Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) that empowers innovation collaborations to transition concrete for a sustainable Australia.
  • Working with manufacturers, architects, engineers, developers, asset owners and government, we invest $21m of Commonwealth funding in university-delivered R&D projects that spur sustainable design, use and management of concrete.
  • Our strength lies in connecting Australia’s concrete ecosystem, creating research opportunities and setting up mutually beneficial partnerships that accelerate material change, develop new technologies and promote best practice to decarbonise concrete and achieve net zero by 2050.








What we value

We believe in concrete innovation

Open communication
We are unapologetically bold. We are open, honest and transparent. By doing so, we remove barries, build trust and create an environment for research collaboration. And, we are not afraid of hard conversations along the way.

We embrace diversity, equality and inclusivity and treat everyone with respect. We know that we are at our best when we work together, leveraging the “collective genius” of our stakeholders and the wider community.

We do what we say we will. We are industry-led, act from a well-informed position and embrace sustainable business practices to achieve outcomes that propel Australia’s concrete ecosystem forward. We don’t lose sight of what’s right for our innovation collaborations.

True to Purpose
Everything we do drives outcomes for community benefits – whether it’s new technology or a different approach to producing, using and/or re-using concrete. We are looking for innovative, sustainable ideas that help transform Australia’s built environment. Incremental won’t cut it.

Smart thinking
We are inquisitive, question the status quo and bring together smart people, who use their skills and expertise to make a difference and bring about change for a better, sustainable Australia.


Get to know the amazing people behind the SmartCrete


Clare Tubolets

Chief Executive Officer

James Tarrant

Chief Financial Officer & Company Secretary

Hugh Ong

Portfolio Director

Professor Vute Sirivivatnanon

Research Director

Jana Kuthe

Marketing and Communications Manager

Estelle Clapham

Education Manager

Lydia Gunawan

Project Coordinator

Vanissorn Vimonsatit

Research Outreach Manager

A photo of Camila Jardim, SmartCrete CRC Executive Officer

Camila Jardim

Executive Officer

Natalie Satakovski

Marketing Communications Officer

Board of Directors

Emeritus Professor Elizabeth Taylor (AO)

Independent Chair

Dr Gunilla Burrowes

Independent Board Member

Catherine Ferrari

Independent Board Member

Stephen Harmer

Independent Board Member

Elizabeth Whitelaw

Independent Board Member

Dr Ross Harper

Independent Board Member

Who we work with

Our Partners

We partner with industry, research and government organisations to transition Australia’s concrete ecosystem into a sustainable future.