Despite decades of research, there is still a lack of understanding about the underlying mechanisms of the initiation and propagation of steel reinforcement corrosion, as well as the damage it causes to structures in marine environments. While new sensor-based corrosion monitoring techniques are promising, their feasibility and durability are still subject for debate. The project seeks to develop a new AI-supported corrosion monitoring tool. It would be applicable for both existing and new reinforced concrete structures in marine environments.
This project brings together Curtin University, Fremantle Ports, Southern Ports, Macquarie University, Parchem Construction Supplies, Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI), and The Trustee for Vinsi Partners Unit Trust. Together, they aim to create novel test protocols for evaluating corrosion resistance in new construction materials, coatings, and corrosion inhibitors. The project also involves developing wireless chloride and pH sensors with long-range communication capabilities and machine learning algorithms to monitor corrosion using sensory data in marine reinforced concrete structures.